STSTC NTS-Pro 6000/ECDIS is Type approved solution for ECDIS training. With mandatory introduction of ECDIS for SOLAS vessels, ECDIS operation training becomes necessary.
STSTC ECDIS Simulator is fully compliant with the latest performance standards for shipborne navigation equipment. Simulator can be supplied in various confgurations, from the PC based software suitable for shipboard training to the large scale classroom networked solution. Powerful instructor station has built in assessment module to ensure quality of training.
Main Features:
- Stand alone or Network confguraton
- On-screen control for maneuvering and operation
- Few options for use of Type approved ECDIS are available
STSTC NTS-Pro 6000/ARPA simulator is a solution for realistic radar and ARPA operation skills. Custom radar scenes of any area in the world are available on the customer’s request. Simulation of widely used JRC radar together with in-house made radar keyboard, provides realistic training. A wide range of realistic effects is simulated: shaded areas, loss of targets in heavy sea, radar picture change depending on ship’s rolling and pitching, echo-signals of different range depending on geometry and reflection capability of a shore line. Simulator can be use as Stand alone or Networked solution.
- Advanced models for fishing gears simulation and fish school motion
- Complete set of fisherman equipment: sonar, echo-sounder, net sounder, trawl-master console
- High quality visual presentation of underwater environment
- Realistic mathematical model of trawls based on trawl design and fishing procedures
STSTC NTS-Pro 6000 simulator is Full Mission Ship handling simulator, DNV Class A approved solution, with up to 360 degree visualization system projected on flat or cylindrical screens or LCD displays. Bridge Consoles and proprietary hardware are all in-house made and designed. Number of options for different confguration of visualisation system are available: 180, 240, 270, 360 degrees of projected or LCD based structures.
Main Features:
- Suitable for advanced ship-handling training
- High realistic visualization of marine environment
- Extensive library of exercise areas and scenarios
- Complete environmental control
- Reliable and realistic 6 DOF vessels models
- Powerful Assessment module for training evaluation
- Modular design allows scalability and smooth upgrade
- Standard hardware is local supply “off-the-shelf”
STSTC Marine Simulator Brochure